And some research, lots of it from the McMaster Evidence Alerts, which flag up things practitioners have identified as being useful or important.
I think librarian intervention (or a subscription or payment) will be needed for all these except where I have indicated they are open access.
First, a RCT from Denmark to investigate if the rebozo intervention (a birthing shawl) performed by the pregnant woman and her partner before external cephalic version increases the rate of cephalic presentations at birth.
Then, a report of the Oneplus trial in Sweden, looking at whether having two midwives present in the second stage of labour reduces severe perineal trauma.
And a report of the PESSARONE RCT looking at whether the Arabin pessary prevents adverse perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies with a short cervix.
A systematic review looking at the use of postpartum magnesium sulphate to prevent eclampsia, (open access).
A Cochrane review comparing routine vaginal examinations with other methods of assessing progress of labour.
An overview of systematic reviews, which included the use of Chinese databases, looking at techniques for reducing perineal laceration during the second stage of labour.
A health technology assessment of a rapid intrapartum test for GBS to reduce antibiotic use in mothers with risk factors. (open access, I think).
And last of all, an RCT looking at vaginal progesterone versus intramuscular 17-hydroxyprogesterone for prevention of recurrent preterm birth.
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