Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What's new in midwifery - 27th September 2022

Some research you may find useful...

Those marked L need payment or librarian intervention.    Those marked OA are open access.   

One new Cochrane reviewMaternal postures for fetal malposition in labour for improving the health of mothers and their infantsThis is one of two new reviews replacing a review from 2007.  The other is on maternal postures for fetal malposition in late pregnancy, but I can see no published review or protocol at the moment.  (Access for free within the UK).

Two on labour or delivery, possibly more obstetrics, but may be of interest:

Weight-Based Compared With Fixed-Dose Enoxaparin Prophylaxis After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial, (the link is to the PubMed record - I cannot find the published full text).

Outpatient Compared With Inpatient Preinduction Cervical Ripening Using a Synthetic Osmotic Dilator: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (OA)

Two about gestational diabetes:

Lower versus Higher Glycemic Criteria for Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. (L)

Tighter or less tight glycaemic targets for women with gestational diabetes mellitus for reducing maternal and perinatal morbidity: A stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial.  (OA)

One about a United States nutritional program(me):

Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Outcomes Associated with the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children : A Systematic Review  (OA)

And lastly, one about COVID:

COVID-19 diagnosed in 0.1 percent of neonates, a MedXPress news item about a study published in Pediatrics on 23 August.  This is the PubMed record for the study (which will need librarian intervention or payment).

Acknowledgements: McMaster Evidence Alerts, Nursing Times.

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