Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Recent articles that might be of interest

Physical activity and physical self-concept: comparison between children with and without asthma, by Li-Chi Chiang and others, in Journal of Advanced Nursing. You will need University Athens if you are off campus.

Surgical hand scrubs in relation to microbial counts: systematic literature review, by Hsiu-Fang Hsieh and others, also in Journal of Advanced Nursing. The review tries to determine the effectiveness of hand scrubs in relation to bacterial growth on the hands of operating room staff. You will need University Athens if you are off campus.

Emergence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with extensive resistance to second-line drugs, published in MMWR. This looks at the incidence worldwide of TB that is resistant to second-line drugs (that are used if isoniazid and rifampin based treatments are ineffective).

I am living in my own corpse: the experience of tuberculosis in the poems of A.B. Simic, by M-A Duerrigl and others, in Medical Humanities. Simic (who ought to have inverted chevrons - not sure what they are called - over the S and C) was a Croatian poet. You will need University Athens if you are off campus.

Impact of adverse publicity on MMR vaccine intake: a population based analysis of vaccine uptake records for one million children, born 1987-2004, by V. Friedrichs and others, published in Archives of Disease in Childhood. The authors are from Glasgow and the population database used is for Scotland. You will need University Athens if you are off campus.

Diagnostic insufficiency in Africa, by Iruka Okeke, a letter in Clinical Infectious Diseases. This is about the dearth of clinical scientists in Africa and is in response to a piece in an earlier issue of the same journal. This may not be accessible off campus.

And finally,
Returning home to make a difference is an interview with Dr. Twalib Ngoma, a cancer specialist who came to the UK to study but returned home to Tanzania. The interview is in Careers BMJ.

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