Friday, July 14, 2006

Some microbiology things I have seen

Antibiotic stress induces genetic transformability in the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, by Marc Prudhomme and colleagues, published in Science for 7th July.

ENTER-NET, an international surveillance project for human gastrointestinal infections, namely Salmonella and E. coli. The website includes quarterly reports back to 1998.

"Perspectives" piece in the New England Journal of Medicine on hand hygiene, arguing that we need a systems approach to hospital acquired infections, which deals with systems failures that lead to contamination, but that individuals also need to accept responsibility for their part in transmission and wash their hands. (This might also have a systems element, as the piece points out).

The recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on the Prevention and Control of Influenza (a posting on MEDLIB-L alerted me to these).

A review in Trends in Microbiology about marine microbial diversity. Easiest way to get to this is to copy this line:


go to, and paste it in.

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