The University of Sheffield is currently holding its Krebs Festival, a celebration of the work of Hans Krebs, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1953, for work done at the University. The Festival is the reason for the giant E. coli in the Winter Gardens, as described in an earlier post.
Hans Krebs was born in Hildesheim in 1900. He was Jewish and was dismissed from a University post when Hitler came to power in 1933. He came to England, working in Cambridge before taking up a post at the University of Sheffield in 1935. After 3 years in Sheffield, he became a professor in the newly formed Department of Biochemistry, and then led an MRC funded research unit. He moved to Oxford in 1954 and took this unit with him.
Here are a few sites about Hans Krebs and his work.
The official website about the Nobel Prize: information about Hans Krebs and Fritz Zimmer, winners of the 1953 prize in physiology or medicine. Click the links on the left to read a biography of Krebs, his Nobel lecture and a speech given at dinner.
University of Sheffield: KrebsFest
To discover how the Krebs Cycle is linked to the Tour de France, have a look at this page from the Deconstructing the Tour site, also from the University of Sheffield.
School of Biomedical Sciences wiki, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, last updated in October 2015.
This is a search of PubMed for articles with H Krebs as a personal subject. The list of results includes obituaries (Krebs died in 1981), a paper from the Biographical Memoirs of the Fellows of the Royal Society of London and a supplement to FEBS Letters published in 1980, containing papers to mark his 80th birthday.
To discover the Krebs Cycle through music, look at Science Music Videos, for a video of the song, interactive lyrics, diagrams and flashcards. The songwriter is Glenn Wolkenfield, a high school teacher in Berkeley, California. The song is also on YouTube.
This made me think of the Biochemists' Songbook, which I encountered a long time ago, and looking it up on Amazon reveals the second edition had a foreword by Hans Krebs. The songs are available as MP3 files on a site hosted at California State University, Long Beach, and also on this site at Queen's University Belfast. And that seems a good place to end this post.
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