Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Ibn Sina

Ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna, was a Persian philosopher, whose work Canon of medicine (Kitab al-Qanun fi al-tibb) has a place of importance in the history of medicine.

He is today's Google Doodle, and if you use Google today you will find links to general works about him.

Here are two things about Ibn Sina and medicine:

Nasser M, Tibi A, Savage-Smith E (2007).  Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine: 11th century rules for assessing the effects of drugs, James Lind Library (also published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine)

This page, part of Brought to Life, from the Science Museum.

The librarian says: PubMed searches for Ibn Sina, Ibni Sina or Avicenna finds articles but also finds articles in the Avicenna Journal of Medicine, published by the Syrian American Medical Society, and from hospitals with his name.    Searching for 

ibn sina[Subject - Personal Name] OR avicenna[Subject - Personal Name]

finds just material about him.   

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