Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What's new in midwifery - 22nd August 2018

Some recent things you might need to know about.

Royal College of Anaesthetists
The care of the critically ill woman in childbirth: enhanced maternal care 2018.  Summarises recommendations relevant to the care of pregnant or recently pregnant, acutely or chronically unwell women, who require acute hospital maternity and critical care specialist services. 

NHS England
CCG maternity assessment, containing the independent panel commentary, methodology of the ratings for 2017/18 and the CCG individual assessment ratings for 2017/18. 

CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework (CCG IAF)– Maternity Support Offer,
an offer to CCGs enabling them to make improvements against the maternity indicators chosen for the CCG Improvement and Assessment Framework.

Reported by the Guardian.

In the news (the Guardian, to be specific!)
The surprising truth about becoming a mother in your 50s -from the women who know

From: EMBED Health Consortium Health Bulletin, King’s Fund Library Health Management and Policy Alert

No What's new next week due to holidays.

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