Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What's new in midwifery - 28th November 2018

Some recent things you might want to know about.

NHS England: Atlas of Shared Learning

Royal College of Midwives

Midwifery care in labour guidance for all women in all settings
Summary of the evidence and recommendations.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Care of women with obesity in pregnancy
Recommendations for the care of women with obesity; covering interventions prior to conception, and during and after pregnancy.

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Perinatal mental health leaflets
To help women and their partners develop a better understanding of mental health problems in the perinatal period and specific treatments.  They also support decision-making about the use of medications in pregnancy and breastfeeding by helping women weigh up the risks and benefits of taking certain medications.

Research and opinion from journals

Documentation in the neonatal unit: the support given to parents and their participation in their baby's care (Journal of Advanced Nursing) 

Thanks to: Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin

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