Wednesday, January 09, 2019

What's new in midwifery - 9th January 2019

Some recent things you might need to know about.

The NHS 10 year plan 

(which includes mention of maternity services)

Atlas of Shared Learning – case studies from the NHS

One to one antenatal and postnatal support for mental health
– Northern Lincolnshire and GooleDelivering home based phototherapy to babies with physiological jaundice Whittington Health 

European Standard of Care for Newborn Health

The European Standards of Care for Newborn Health provide a new benchmark for neonatal services for preterm and ill babies, covering antenatal and perinatal care, transition to home, ethical decision making, palliative care and long-term follow up.

Women’s health

Commonwealth Fund report on women’s health in ten countries compared to the USA - .   Includes the UK, and examines maternal mortality and rate of caesarean section.

NIHR Signals – reviews of recent research

Diet and exercise can reduce the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy

In the news

Virtual Letdown – an app that uses virtual reality to help women pump breast milk

Acknowledgements: Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin.

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