Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What's new in midwifery - 19th March 2019

Some recent things you may like to know about (a day early):

NHS England

Saving Babies’ Lives version two: a care bundle for reducing perinatal mortality

An overview of workforce data for nurses, midwives and health visitors in the NHS

National Institute of Health Research

NIHR Highlight: Management of Labour
Research evidence on some aspects of labour


NICE surveillance decision to update CG190, Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies (CG190, 2014)

Public Health England

Stillbirth and Infant Mortality Tool  
A planning tool for examining factors that influence stillbirth and infant death at the population level, rather than in individual clinical care.

Formula milk

BMJ and sister journals ban ads for breast milk substitutes

Global health

Maternal and neonatal outcomes following C-section - African Surgical Outcomes Study

Traditional methods for managing illness in newborns and infants in an Arab society

Acknowledgements: STAT Morning Rounds, Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin

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