Wednesday, May 15, 2019

What's new in midwifery - 15th May 2019

Some recent things you might need to know about...


Association between Apgar scores of 7 to 9 and neonatal mortality and morbidity: population based cohort study of term infants in Sweden

Antibiotics after assisted childbirth could almost halve maternal infections
BMJ news reportGuardian report

The research itself is in the Lancet, and is open access.

In the news

The story of a male midwife

Other things

This week is Christian Aid Week in the UK.   Christian Aid is a church organisation that works with church partners outside the UK, and the theme for this year is maternal health and reducing maternal mortality, with information available from the Christian Aid website at 

Last Friday's Google Doodle was Lucy Wills, a haematologist who investigated anaemia of pregnancy.  Read this from the James Lind Library, to find out more about her and how Marmite fits into her research.

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