Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What's new in midwifery - 11th September 2019

Some recent things...

NICE Guidance

Twin and triplet pregnancy (NICE guideline, NG137)

Multiple pregnancy: twin and triplet pregnancy (Quality standard, QS46)

Caesarean section (Clinical guideline, CG132)

NHS safeguarding accountability and assurance framework - revised 3rd September


Clinical Knowledge Summaries - evidence based, information on how to recognise and manage it - new.


Unexplained deaths in infancy, 2017 (National Statistics)

In the news

Jennifer Gunter: ‘Women are being told lies about their bodies’

End NHS maternity charges for vulnerable migrants, say midwives

GPs are ignoring new mothers' mental health, says parenting charity

NICE consultations

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Neonatal parenteral nutrition

Acknowledgements: Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin

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