Wednesday, October 09, 2019

What's new in midwifery - 9th October 2019

Some recent things...


Being ‘A Google Mom’ or Securely Monitored at Home: Perceptions of Remote Monitoring in Maternity Care
Journal of Advanced Nursing, a study from Finland

Multicultural coping experiences of parents following perinatal loss: A meta‐ethnographic synthesis
Journal of Advanced Nursing, a study from Spain


NICEimpact: maternity and neonatal care
A report on the impact of NICE guidance on maternity and neonatal care.

NICE are consulting on prenatal repair for open neural tube defects in the fetus - fetoscopic repair  and open repair

Mental health

Centre for Mental Health
An economic evaluation of specialist counselling after baby loss

In the news

Kaz Cooke (author of Up the Duff): women were in the dark about their pregnancies. Now there’s too much advice

Vaginal fluid transplants could cure bacterial vaginosis [a condition that can have complications for pregnant women]

Baby dies in UK prison after inmate 'gives birth alone in cell'

and on the same story

Multiple inquiries ordered into death of baby in UK prison

Experience: my wife lost her memory while giving birth [as a result of eclampsia]

Acknowledgements: King's Fund Library Health Management and Policy Alert, Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin.

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