Wednesday, April 08, 2020

What's new in midwifery - 8th April 2020

Some recent things you may need to know...


RCM guidance

RCM press release  

A reminder of Public Health England guidance.

RCOG e-learning

University of Leicester students have free access to this through the LME Network (students elsewhere should check with their education provider).   To access you need an RCOG e-learning account. There is material on many topics including neonatal high dependency and intensive care, maternal resuscitation, labour ward management and gestational diabetes.


Effectiveness of a brief motivational intervention to increase the breastfeeding duration in the first 6 months postpartum: Randomized controlled trial.  (Journal of Advanced Nursing)(Ask your librarian if you have problems accessing the full article).


Expectant mothers turn to freebirthing after home births cancelled

Stay safe.

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