Some things about other topics that you might need to know about (you might need a subscription or a librarian to get access to some of these):
A Cochrane review of the use of low dose misoprostol for inducing labour.
A systematic review of interventions to reduce complications after shoulder dystocia.
A systematic review of the use of low molecular weight heparin to prevent pre-eclampsia and other placenta mediated complications.
Preterm labour and birth
A systematic review of the use of the Arabin pessary to prevent preterm birth in women with twin pregnancies,
A study of the impact of the QUiPP app on threatened preterm labour.
The CenteringPregnancy programme's impact on outcomes, including preterm birth and postpartum depression.
Postpartum haemorrhage
The use of intravenous oxytocin to prevent postpartum haemorrhage after caesarean delivery.
Postpartum depression
A RCT on the effectiveness of zuranolone in treating postpartum depression.
Global health
A systematic review of interventions to increase the use of skilled birth attendants in sub Saharan Africa.
NICE draft guidance
A Guardian news piece (some weeks old now) on NICE draft guidance recommending induction of labour at 39 weeks in pregnant women from a BAME background.
Acknowledgements: McMaster's Evidence Alert.
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