Wednesday, September 01, 2021

What's new in midwifery - 1st September 2021

I have tagged other things on Twitter: #whatsnewinmidwifery.

Some recent things you might want to know:

A Guardian news report about MHRA investigations into any link between the COVID vaccine and miscarriage, and the COVID vaccine and changes to periods.   

And another on recent research on the effect of mothers' speech on pain scores in preterm infants undergoing a painful procedure.  There is a report in the Guardian,  and the research article itself is open access.

NICE has new guidance on antenatal care (which I may have mentioned before, but just in case...).

Some new research:

Does adding placental growth factor measurement to the assessment of pre eclampsia reduce maternal mortality?   A trial undertaken in Ireland arrives at uncertain results does not prove it does, and also does not prove it has no benefit.  

Characteristics and outcomes of women with COVID giving birth, a study done in the US: 

The US Preventive Services Task Force has new guidance on screening for gestational diabetes.  There is a recommendation statement and an evidence report and systematic review.  

Acknowledgements: McMaster Evidence Alerts, King's Fund Library Health Management and Policy Alert.

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