Wednesday, July 20, 2022

What's new in midwifery - 20th July 2022

Some things you may want to know about:

First, consider submitting an abstract to the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference in Cape Town, May 2023. 

The Guardian's report of plans to offer COVID boosters to the over 50s has a quote from the UKHSA that mentions pregnant women.   This made me look for Government information on the autumn booster programmewhich does say that pregnant women are eligible.   The UKHSA quote encourages them to take up the offer.

Then, a thematic report from the National Child Mortality Database looking at the contribution of newborn health to child mortality, in England.  

And analysis of preconception indicators, from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.  This uses data recorded at maternity appointments in England.

Coronavirus hospital admissions by vaccination and pregnancy status, for December 2020-August 2021, for England, from the Office for National Statistics.

Then, some research:

Evaluation of the Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP) for antenatal detection of small for gestational age: The DESiGN cluster randomised trial.  The trial involves maternity units in England.  (Open access).

Planned delivery or expectant management in preeclampsia: an individual participant data meta-analysis (Open access).

And a study carried out in South Carolina, which might be of interest to blog readers outside the USA as well, Effect of an Intensive Nurse Home Visiting Program on Adverse Birth Outcomes in a Medicaid-Eligible Population: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (Librarian intervention or subscription may be needed).

Acknowledgements: McMaster Evidence Updates; King's Fund Library Health Management and Policy Update, Rotherham General Hospital Library's Latest Health News updates.

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