Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What's new in midwifery - 31st January 2023

Trying to keep up, so here are some things you may want to know about...

Firstly, a (another?) systematic review of COVID vaccination in pregnancy, this one conducted by researchers in Iran and published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.  Apgar scores and preterm births are two of the outcomes looked at.

Three pieces of original research: 

Research in the Journal of Advanced Nursing aiming to estimate the association between feeling upset by experience of racism and self reported depression during pregnancy, specifically looking at non Hispanic Black women in the United States.

randomised clinical trial of vaginal cleansing before unscheduled caesarean delivery, and whether it reduces surgical site infection.

Research on the effect of second stage pushing timing on postpartum pelvic floor morbidity.

Then, research from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities on preconception health among migrant women in England, using data from 2018-2019.

And a report from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society about pregnancy, maternity, parent and carer related microagressions.   These have been identified as an issue for recruiting people to work in pharmacies, and are mentioned in the RPS Inclusion and Diversity strategy.

Finally two reports of the recent court judgement against Nottingham University Hospitals, following the death of Wynter Sophia Andrews shortly after her birth in 2019.   One report in the Guardian, the other in Medscape.

Acknowledgements: McMaster Evidence Alerts, Rotherham Hospital Library and Knowledge Service Latest Health News.

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