Monday, March 13, 2023

What's new in midwifery - 13th March 2023 - research

Some other recent papers and reviews of possible interest.


Antenatal dietary supplementation with myo-inositol for preventing gestational diabetes.  (Cochrane review, update of a review previously published in 2015).

Aspirin discontinuation at 24 to 28 weeks` gestation in pregnancies at high risk of preterm preeclampsia: a randomized clinical trial.  
(Aspirin reduces the incidence of preterm preeclampsia, but is also associated with peripartum bleeding).   

Serial plotting of symphysis-fundal height and estimated fetal weight to improve the antenatal detection of infants small for gestational age: A cluster randomised trial. 
(To assess whether standardised longitudinal reporting of growth monitoring information improves antenatal detection of infants who are small for gestational age (SGA), compared with usual care, a study conducted of singleton pregnancies in France.)   



Maternal and neonatal complications following Kielland`s rotational forceps delivery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  
(UK based authors so I assume this may be a procedure you will encounter in the UK).

Onset of labor and use of analgesia in women using thromboprophylaxis with 2 doses of low-molecular-weight heparin: insights from the Highlow study. 
(Looking at peripartum management of women who are taking low molecular weight heparin).



The information behaviours of disadvantaged young first-time mothers.
(In a library and information science journal – looking at where socioeconomically disadvantaged young mothers (aged up to 25) get information, it seems from the abstract (I have no access to the full article) that although they are in contact with health visitors and support group staff, they are reluctant to attend support groups that involve older mothers.   The authors do say that their survey group is not representative of all young mothers.)

Social media-based parenting program for women with postpartum depressive symptoms: an RCT. 
(Facebook based).

Librarian intervention or a subscription may be needed for full access.   

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