Monday, June 19, 2023

Current resources about COVID-19

(Last updated 9th September 2023)


During lockdown I maintained a set of blogposts linking to resources about COVID.    I have not updated those for some time, and have now decided that they are no longer needed.  I have added the word "Archived" to the start of each page title, and tried to make it clear that they are no longer updated.   

Of course, COVID-19 has not gone away, and has become one of the infectious diseases that is with us always.   So, I think although those older posts are no longer useful, a current list of resources might be.    So, here is a shorter list, a single blogpost, which I will endeavour to keep up to date.

Here is a link to my new post about the BA.2.86 variant (made on 9th September 2023)



In the UK at the moment is the UK Covid-19 Enquiryan enquiry into the UK's response and the impact of the pandemic.

The UK Government still maintains a Coronavirus (COVID-19) page with links to information about testing, vaccination, what to do if you have COVID, travel abroad, and reducing the spread.  There are links to the governments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The UK Government Coronavirus data page is still being updated, with figures for the numbers of cases, vaccinations and deaths, some of it by region or home nation.

The UK Health Security Agency page of COVID guidance, which includes guidance for health professionals and the public.  UK Health Security Agency have a comprehensive list of resources, Finding the Evidence: Coronavirus, including many of interest to health professionals (some resources may not be available to University of Leicester members, who are welcome to contact their library to check. NHS staff should contact their own library to check). 

MHRA Coronavirus pages (information about clinical trials of treatments and vaccines) (last updated in June 2022)

Infectious diseases: UK government, including policy, news, statistics, forms, research and guidance

Results and information about the REACT (Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission study, no new news items since June 2022).

Three UK groups: 

NERVTAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Viruses Threats Advisory Group; SAGE and Independent SAGE.

Outside the UK

COVID-19 END (Evidence Network to support decision making, McMaster University)

World Health Organization - Country and technical guidance ; Global Research on Coronavirus (COVID-19) (scientific literature database)

From the WHO ICTRP launch page you can download lists of COVID-19 trials.   There is also a link to the search portal. is listing at least some COVID-19 related trials including studies from the WHO. There are links to other COVID-19 related trial pages from this one.

NCBI Virus SARS-CoV-2 Data Hub (which replaces the older "resources page" at from 1 August 2023).   Contains epidemiological and genetic data, and links to information from the CDC and to references in PubMed.

Point of care resources and other clinical resources

NICE have a page with their guidance, advice, and rapid guidelines.

BMJ Best Practice - coronavirus  - material on coronavirus and some comorbidities.  Some material is still free, other material requires NHS access or a subscription.

Evidence Aid - Coronavirus - summaries of research, in English and other languages

DynaMed and UpToDate (these may need subscriptions)

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