Sunday, August 13, 2023

[Browsing] New comments

Any comments on this blog are moderated by me.   If they are a question related to the subject of the post, I will answer it (not always very quickly, I have to confess).

But most are not related at all.    For example:

Very complementary about my writing style, but included a link to private tutoring service.  Actually there were three at least like this;

Opportunities to buy medications - separate offers of NSAIDs, pain medications, benzodiazepines, opioids, barbiturates...;

Links to a homoeopathy clinic (as all these comments are, on posts not related to the subject of the comment);

Recommendations for a doctor (actually two, with their email addresses) who cured someone's herpes; and another who can provide mental health services, and another who can treat cancer;

IT recruitment services;

Offering psychedelics;

And one, on a post about E. coli, encouraging me to write something about power pole installation, with links to an electrician ...  in Australia.

If I was an engineering librarian, I might...

Some posts got more than one comment - the one about mental health in film has had 16 comments since mid April.

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