Friday, November 17, 2023

What's new in midwifery - other things - 17th November 2023

Some other new (ish) items, that don't fit one of the previous posts...

RCOG Green top guideline on recurrent miscarriage

RCM report on the state of maternity services Scotland 

RCM Engaging dads pocket guide 

Three news stories:

Why is pre eclampsia still causing deaths 

Death rate of black babies rising - report about National Child Mortality Database, 

Home help for 8 days after giving birth, the Dutch kraamzorg (="maternity care") scheme. This page from Amsterdam Mamas, in English, tells you more about the scheme. 

Infant feeding: 

WHO guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6-23 months of age (PDF)

Many of these are from the Rotherham Hospital Library and Knowledge Service's Latest health news blog , with grateful acknowledgement

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