Tuesday, December 06, 2022

What's new in midwifery - 6th December 2022

Some recent things you might need to know.  Remember to critically appraise any articles detailed below - mention in this column is not a statement about the robustness of the research or systematic review.

Article are open access (so, free to read) unless stated otherwise.


I might have mentioned these before, but just in case...

National Neonatal Audit Programme annual summary report on 2021 data:

Ninth MBRRACE Annual Report (of the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity)


SARS-CoV-2 placentitis, stillbirth, and maternal COVID-19 vaccination: clinical–pathologic correlations

Balloon catheters versus vaginal prostaglandins for labour induction (CPI Collaborative): an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.  The link here is to the PubMed record, subscription needed for full text.

The effect of antenatal corticosteroid use on offspring cardiovascular function: A systematic review [antenatal corticosteroids given in threatened preterm labour]

Pregnancy soon after miscarriage no more risky – a summary by the Rotherham Foundation Trust Library and Knowledge Service (South Yorkshire) of a story in the BBC, reporting research conducted in Norway

Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus treatment on medium/long-term outcomes after pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


Fetal balloon procedure is safe for delivering ‘stuck’ babies, NICE says (NICE News)

Perinatal mental health

Trial of a patient-directed eHealth program to ameliorate perinatal depression: the MomMoodBooster2 practical effectiveness study [study carried out in hospitals in Chicago]

Depressive symptoms during the perinatal period by disability status: Findings from the United States Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System

Acknowledgements: Rotherham Hospital Library and Knowledge Service; McMaster Evidence Alerts, King's Fund Library Health Management and Policy Alerts.

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