Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What's new in midwifery - 14th November 2018

Some recent things you might need to know about.

Each Baby Counts

This RCOG initiative is a quality improvement programme to reduce stillbirths, neonatal deaths and babies left disabled by incidents at birth.
Discussed in this Guardian article: Too many baby deaths avoidable, report into NHS finds

Public Health England

Updated documents to support commissioning and delivering children's public health services, for children aged 0 to 19 years.  Mostly about early years and school age children but one report looks at the impact of breastfeeding on the early years and the role of the health visitor.

Nuffield Trust

Understanding the health of babies and expectant mothers looks at possible reasons why progress on stillbirths and neonatal and infant mortality has slowed down in the UK in recent years and what can be done about it.  
Also discussed on the 
Nuffield Trust blog.

Global health

A program(me) to support USAID’s goal of preventing maternal and child deaths.    There is a newsletter.


Acknowledgements: Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin.

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