Wednesday, November 07, 2018

What's new in midwifery - 8th November 2018

Some recent things you might want  to know about:

Perinatal deaths

University of Bristol: PolicyBristol
When a baby dies in hospital, a Perinatal Mortality Review (PNMR) takes place. Currently, parents are largely unaware these reviews even take place and in most cases, bereaved parents are not given the opportunity to be involved and share their perspective of their care. This PARENTS study (Parents’ Active Role and ENgagement in Their Stillbirth/perinatal death review study) tested the hypothesis at two UK hospitals (Bristol and Manchester) that involving parents would have the potential to answer their questions and therefore support them in grieving, drive patient safety improvements, and promote an open culture within healthcare.

Thanks to the Kings Fund Library Health Management and Policy Alert for this summary.

Maternal deaths

Fifth report of the Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme concerning maternal deaths and morbidity. The report includes surveillance data on women who died during or up to one year after pregnancy between 2014 and 2016 in the UK.

Acknowledgements: King’s Fund Library Health Managemetn and Policy Alert; Embed Health Consortium Health Bulletin;

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